8 Sep 2024


Aztech Labs Sound Galaxy Audio Driver

Company: Aztech Labs
Model: Sound Galaxy
Operating System: OS/2 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)


File: 2316ros2.zip


Aztech Labs Sound Galaxy Driver. Sound Galaxy Waverider Pro 32-3D

Sound Galaxy Waverider 32 Plus

Sound Galaxy Pro16 II

Sound Galaxy Nova 16 Extra II-3D

OS/2 2.x & 3.x Driver

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 3381 12-16-94 10:24 AUDFILES.SCR 2413 06-24-94 15:58 AUDHELP.HLP 586 04-19-95 10:39 AZT16DD.DDP 50554 01-03-95 16:04 AZT16DD.SYS 87754 12-23-94 13:33 AZTMIX.EXE 626 02-08-94 13:01 BASE.SCR 19777 12-23-94 17:21 CARDINFO.DLL 2989 12-16-94 10:24 CONTROL.SCR 168860 09-07-93 02:00 GENIN.DLL 3584 09-07-93 02:00 GENINMRI.DLL 874 12-20-93 18:59 MIXER.ICO 11476 01-04-96 17:13 README.TXT 6144 07-27-95 01:01 SGAUDVDD.SYS 0 02-14-96 09:43 WIN_OS2/ 19446 12-20-94 15:40 WIN_OS2/MIDIMAP.CFG 69728 05-25-95 15:53 WIN_OS2/MM16W.DRV 167 12-23-94 14:30 WIN_OS2/OEMSETUP.INF -------- ------- 448359 17 files

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