23 Feb 2025


ESS Technologies maestro 3 Audio Driver

Company: ESS Technologies
Model: maestro 3
Operating System: Windows 2000 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: 1056.zip


ESS Technologies maestro 3 Driver. I just recieved this driver for an omnibook XE2 Meastro 3 soundcard using windows 2000. I'm not sure if the sound card and modem are intigrated but at least I have sound on my machine. I tested it using winamp. Unfortunately I still have not been able to get modem drivers of it. I hope this helps.
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 35840 02-16-00 10:30 SETUP.EXE 13240 02-16-00 10:30 DATA1.HDR 512 02-16-00 10:30 DATA2.CAB 158069 02-16-00 10:30 ES198X.SYS 256259 02-16-00 10:30 IKERNEL.EX_ 441 02-16-00 10:30 LAYOUT.BIN 0 02-16-00 10:30 M3.CAT 21500 02-17-00 10:12 M3.INF 559823 02-16-00 10:30 DATA1.CAB 143 02-16-00 10:30 SETUP.INI 130122 02-16-00 10:30 SETUP.INX -------- ------- 1175949 11 files

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