29 Mar 2025


Creative Labs CT1770 Audio Driver

Company: Creative Labs
Model: CT1770
Operating System: Windows 3.1 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: sb16scsi.zip


Creative Labs CT1770 Driver. This zip file contains 3 zip files to create installation disk for the SB16 SCSI-2. Extract each to a formated floppy. This card will operate under Win 95 although you will have to manually configure the SCSI in Device Manager, I insured the card jumpers and Windows Device Manager were the same. I found IRQ 11 worked, if you have a network card or a video card using this address, you will need to pick another IRQ. I manually picked the hardware device as the Adaptec 1510. 1520 and 1522 may also work out. The zip file also includes Adaptecs EZSCSI software which must be run under DOS first, then Windows. This card can support mulitple SCSI devices providing they are SCSI-2. The Sound card and SCSI ASPI drivers will have to loaded in the Config.sys file and Autoexec.bat file. Good Luck
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 553964 05-19-00 23:16 16scsi01.zip 1368478 05-19-00 23:17 16scsi02.zip 1231281 05-19-00 23:17 16scsi03.zip -------- ------- 3153723 3 files

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