14 Mar 2025


New Media .WAVjammer Audio Driver

Company: New Media
Model: .WAVjammer
Operating System: Windows 95b (osr2) (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: Wavjmrsetup.zip


New Media .WAVjammer Driver. I searched high and low and I finally found these drivers in a very obscure location. I used the setup program to create the floppy with the needed setup files and then added the extra DLL files and zipped it. It will all fit on a floppy. There is a setup program but I installed the sound card through the Device Manager Wizard. It works fine. Since New Media is no longer in business finding these drivers became a challenge.
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 60960 01-04-96 03:00 Sound/NMCSND16.DRV 17952 02-14-00 15:11 Sound/MSOPL.DRV 40816 02-15-00 11:31 Sound/MSSNDSYS.DRV 31984 02-15-00 11:31 Sound/MSSNDSYS.VXD 4112 01-03-96 03:00 Sound/NMCHELP.DLL 28350 01-04-96 03:00 Sound/NMCSND16.386 35166 01-03-96 03:00 Sound/MIDIMAP.CFG 29388 01-03-96 03:00 Sound/NMCSND16.HLP 10324 01-03-96 03:00 Sound/NMCUTIL.386 23072 01-03-96 03:00 Sound/NMCUTIL.EXE 16944 01-03-96 03:00 Sound/NMCWMSG.EXE 19550 01-03-96 03:00 Sound/README.NMC 193664 01-04-96 03:00 Sound/SETUP.EXE 22104 01-03-96 03:00 Sound/WAVJAMMR.EXE 230273 01-03-96 03:00 Sound/WJ.HLP 77232 01-03-96 03:00 Sound/WJDIAG.EXE 766 01-03-96 03:00 Sound/WJDIAG.ICO 10885 01-03-96 03:00 Sound/WJNMC.INF 29694 01-03-96 03:00 Sound/WJSSENAB.EXE 36152 01-03-96 03:00 Sound/WJW95.HLP -------- ---- 919388 20 files

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