14 Mar 2025


Phillips PSC 704 Seismic Edge Audio Driver

Company: Phillips
Model: PSC 704 Seismic Edge
Operating System: Windows XP (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: PSC704_-_English_american__Seismic_Edge_Drivers.rar


Phillips PSC 704 Seismic Edge Driver. (driver version shown from whats in Device properties)

i found what the 704 Driverset from Philip's own site had a Corrupted "TBIRD128.DLS" and found a Driver set from here that was claiming to be the PSC 705 (705= European vers 704= American vers) the 705's INF file kept causing some invaild install bs i copied over the Valid Tbird128.dls file into teh folder i had extracted what i downloaded from Philip's site and tried to install. and bam it worked

to install this in XP you haveto goto the "PCI Audio Device" that'll be in the device manager, and driver updateand select "install from a speific location" then under "Include this location in search" browse to teh folder where you extracted this RAR, then hit next it'll find and install this IF you have the American Philips Seismic Edge (Real PSC 704) if you have the European 705, it'll cause a BSOD or fail to Find the driver

File Contents:
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