11 Mar 2025


Rockwell Riptide Chameleon Audio Driver

Company: Rockwell
Model: Riptide Chameleon
Operating System: Windows ME (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: wme_cham.exe


Rockwell Riptide Chameleon Driver. I found this drive at "ftp.hp.com/pub/personal_computing/software/" and works fine on Windows ME. Just pay attention to the TXT file. I hope this will help you because it toke some time to find it !

Eu encontrei esse arquivo no site "ftp.hp.com/pub/personal_computing/software/" e funcionou bem no Windows ME. Preste atencao nas instrucoes dentro do arquivo TXT. Eu tenho a esperanca que isso ira ajudar-lhe. Demorou algum tempo ate eu encontra-lo !

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 1655808 08-01-00 13:09 10256501.EXE 376657 10-12-00 13:05 RunBlock.exe 1389 10-12-00 08:31 10256501.txt -------- ---- 2033854 3 files

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