28 Feb 2025


C-Media C-Media CMI 8330 Audio Driver

Company: C-Media
Model: C-Media CMI 8330
Operating System: All Windows 2000 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: 8330wdm417.zip


C-Media C-Media CMI 8330 Driver. This fix applies to both Win2000/WinXP... at last!

The WDM drivers posted on the C-Media website (www.cmedia.com.tw/8330/) work fine, but there is an error in the .inf installation file, which prevents the MPU-410 Midi driver AND the game port driver from being installed correctly, resulting in an incomplete installation of the driver.

Here are the steps to fix this

- open device manager (right-click on My Computer --> Manage)

- select Device Manager

- expand Sound, Videos and Game Controllers

- there should be an invalid entry (!) named "C-Media 8330/C3D Adapter Driver", double-click on it

- select "Update Driver..." from the Driver tab

- select "Display a list of known drivers.." from the Upgrade Device Driver Wizard

- (uncheck 'show compatible devices' in XP), select Microsoft -> MPU-401 compatible MIDI device

- click Yes to the compatibility warning, the MPU-401 MIDI driver will now be installed and will replace the previous (invalid) C-Media entry

- select C-Media Game port from the device manager list

- go through the same steps as noted above, but this time select (Standard system devices) -> Standard Game Port

Your C-Media sound driver installation is now completed and working.

email me if this fix worked for you, it took me a while to figure that one out... as a bonus, I'll tell you how you can change the driver description displayed in device manager )



File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 11489 02-23-00 20:29 CMEDIA.INF 21431 02-25-00 17:37 cm8330sb.sys 23413 02-25-00 17:44 cm8330.sys -------- ---- 56333 3 files

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