14 Mar 2025


Hewlett Packard (HP) hp pavilion 4530 Audio Driver

Company: Hewlett Packard (HP)
Model: hp pavilion 4530
Operating System: Windows ME (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: ripnaw2kforhppav4530.zip


Hewlett Packard (HP) hp pavilion 4530 Driver. It works like a charm, its almost impossible to find hp support. I reinstalled os (ME) for a friend. I also need a video driver, any ideas?
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 24 08-12-99 17:09 ripnaw2k for hp pav4530/4321162k.cat 144575 10-04-99 12:52 ripnaw2k for hp pav4530/crtaud.sys 27 10-10-98 16:23 ripnaw2k for hp pav4530/disk1 167 09-02-99 10:53 ripnaw2k for hp pav4530/riptide.cat 15955 07-27-99 14:31 ripnaw2k for hp pav4530/riptide.hex 14154 10-06-99 11:00 ripnaw2k for hp pav4530/riptide.inf 3660 10-04-99 12:53 ripnaw2k for hp pav4530/rpfun.sys 31768 10-07-99 18:30 ripnaw2k for hp pav4530/rss8007_w2k.inf 35852 10-04-99 12:53 ripnaw2k for hp pav4530/rthwcls.sys 796332 09-09-99 19:00 ripnaw2k for hp pav4530/WINACPCI.sys -------- ---- 1042514 10 files

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