29 Mar 2025


Creative Labs ct5807 Audio Driver

Company: Creative Labs
Model: ct5807
Operating System: Windows 98SE (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: R31894-sound.EXE


Creative Labs ct5807 Driver. I think this will work with the 5807 and 5808. It is complete!!!!!
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 17351 07-31-01 16:06 common/dos/mt32.exe 33589 07-31-01 16:06 common/dos/SBCfg.exe 3692 07-31-01 16:06 common/dos/SBInit.com 13675 07-31-01 16:06 common/dos/SBLegacy.exe 14501 07-31-01 16:06 common/dos/sbload.exe 96829 07-31-01 16:06 common/dos/SBMixer.exe 67059 07-31-01 16:06 common/dos/SBPCI.bin 680 07-31-01 16:06 common/dos/SBPCI.ini 75355 07-31-01 16:06 common/dos/SBTest.exe 59392 07-31-01 16:06 common/files/a3d.dll 7840 07-31-01 16:06 common/files/sbchs16.dll 16384 07-31-01 16:06 common/files/sbchs32.dll 7856 07-31-01 16:06 common/files/sbcht16.dll 16384 07-31-01 16:06 common/files/sbcht32.dll 9424 07-31-01 16:06 common/files/sbcsy16.dll 20480 07-31-01 16:06 common/files/sbcsy32.dll 9248 07-31-01 16:06 common/files/sbdan16.dll 20480 07-31-01 16:06 common/files/sbdan32.dll 9504 07-31-01 16:06 common/files/sbdut16.dll 20480 07-31-01 16:06 common/files/sbdut32.dll 9728 07-31-01 16:06 common/files/sbell16.dll 24576 07-31-01 16:06 common/files/sbell32.dll 8864 07-31-01 16:06 common/files/sbeng16.dll 20480 07-31-01 16:06 common/files/sbeng32.dll 9328 07-31-01 16:06 common/files/sbfin16.dll 20480 07-31-01 16:06 common/files/sbfin32.dll 10432 07-31-01 16:06 common/files/sbfrn16.dll 24576 07-31-01 16:06 common/files/sbfrn32.dll 9440 07-31-01 16:06 common/files/sbger16.dll 20480 07-31-01 16:06 common/files/sbger32.dll 9520 07-31-01 16:06 common/files/sbhun16.dll 20480 07-31-01 16:06 common/files/sbhun32.dll 9728 07-31-01 16:06 common/files/sbitl16.dll 24576 07-31-01 16:06 common/files/sbitl32.dll 8528 07-31-01 16:06 common/files/sbjap16.dll 20480 07-31-01 16:06 common/files/sbjap32.dll 8672 07-31-01 16:06 common/files/sbkor16.dll 16384 07-31-01 16:06 common/files/sbkor32.dll 9232 07-31-01 16:06 common/files/sbnor16.dll 20480 07-31-01 16:06 common/files/sbnor32.dll 9840 07-31-01 16:06 common/files/sbplk16.dll 24576 07-31-01 16:06 common/files/sbplk32.dll 9792 07-31-01 16:06 common/files/sbpor16.dll 24576 07-31-01 16:06 common/files/sbpor32.dll 9200 07-31-01 16:06 common/files/sbrus16.dll 20480 07-31-01 16:06 common/files/sbrus32.dll 9136 07-31-01 16:06 common/files/sbslv16.dll 20480 07-31-01 16:06 common/files/sbslv32.dll 10016 07-31-01 16:06 common/files/sbspn16.dll 24576 07-31-01 16:06 common/files/sbspn32.dll 9152 07-31-01 16:06 common/files/sbswe16.dll 20480 07-31-01 16:06 common/files/sbswe32.dll 9680 07-31-01 16:06 common/files/sbtha16.dll 20480 07-31-01 16:06 common/files/sbtha32.dll 9072 07-31-01 16:06 common/files/sbtrk16.dll 20480 07-31-01 16:06 common/files/sbtrk32.dll 481282 07-31-01 16:06 common/wavesets/dostest.ecw 2259070 07-31-01 16:06 common/wavesets/eapci2m.ecw 33984 07-31-01 16:06 nt4/ensqio.sys 1725 07-31-01 16:06 nt4/oeminfo_template.ini 98304 07-31-01 16:06 nt4/sblang.dll 57344 07-31-01 16:06 nt4/sbmixres.dll 26365 07-31-01 16:06 nt4/sbpcint.inf 58632 07-31-01 16:06 nt4/sbpcint4.dll 316708 07-31-01 16:06 nt4/sbpcint4.sys 454656 07-31-01 16:06 nt4/sbsetup.exe 332 07-31-01 16:06 nt4/sbsetup.ini 118784 07-31-01 16:06 setup.exe 95 07-31-01 16:06 setup.ini 465 07-31-01 16:07 Version.txt 8704 07-31-01 16:06 wdm/clnutil.dll 1280 07-31-01 16:06 wdm/clnutl16.dll 27648 07-31-01 16:06 wdm/clnutl32.dll 131072 07-31-01 16:06 wdm/sbdosins.exe 90112 07-31-01 16:06 wdm/sblang.dll 45287 07-31-01 16:06 wdm/sbpci.cat 29144 07-31-01 16:06 wdm/sbpci.inf 430461 07-31-01 16:06 wdm/sbpci.sys 446464 07-31-01 16:06 wdm/sbsetup.exe 553 07-31-01 16:06 wdm/sbsetup.ini 59392 07-31-01 16:06 win95/a3d.dll 36352 07-31-01 16:06 win95/ac3api.dll 8704 07-31-01 16:06 win95/clnutil.dll 1280 07-31-01 16:06 win95/clnutl16.dll 27648 07-31-01 16:06 win95/clnutl32.dll 421888 07-31-01 16:06 win95/enscfg32.exe 23727 07-31-01 16:06 win95/ensqio.vxd 1725 07-31-01 16:06 win95/oeminfo_template.ini 90112 07-31-01 16:06 win95/sblang.dll 57344 07-31-01 16:06 win95/sbmixres.dll 450701 07-31-01 16:06 win95/sbpci.vxd 85680 07-31-01 16:06 win95/SBPCI9X.DRV 17217 07-31-01 16:06 win95/sbpci9x.hlp 27265 07-31-01 16:06 win95/sbpci9x.inf 462848 07-31-01 16:06 win95/sbsetup.exe 307 07-31-01 16:06 win95/sbsetup.ini 59392 07-31-01 16:06 win98se/a3d.dll 36352 07-31-01 16:06 win98se/ac3api.dll 8704 07-31-01 16:06 win98se/clnutil.dll 1280 07-31-01 16:06 win98se/clnutl16.dll 27648 07-31-01 16:06 win98se/clnutl32.dll 421888 07-31-01 16:06 win98se/enscfg32.exe 23727 07-31-01 16:06 win98se/ensqio.vxd 1725 07-31-01 16:06 win98se/oeminfo_template.ini 90112 07-31-01 16:06 win98se/sblang.dll 57344 07-31-01 16:06 win98se/sbmixres.dll 450701 07-31-01 16:06 win98se/sbpci.vxd 84528 07-31-01 16:06 win98se/sbpci9x.drv 17217 07-31-01 16:06 win98se/sbpci9x.hlp 27143 07-31-01 16:06 win98se/sbpci9x.inf 438272 07-31-01 16:06 win98se/sbsetup.exe 307 07-31-01 16:06 win98se/sbsetup.ini -------- ---- 9715684 112 files

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