13 Mar 2025


Diamond Multimedia MX300 and ? Audio Driver

Company: Diamond Multimedia
Model: MX300 and ?
Operating System: All Windows 2000 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: MX300_W2k.zip


Diamond Multimedia MX300 and ? Driver. This is the Vortex AU8830 Windows 2000 driver version 5.10.2500

Official Diamond driver for the MX300 and possibly other Aureal Vortex 8830 based cards.

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 98304 11-19-99 04:56 a3d.dll 466944 02-11-00 17:18 a3dapi.dll 1146880 09-14-99 21:30 A3DSplsh.exe 931464 03-13-00 17:24 ADM8830.sys 12736 03-13-00 17:25 admfilter8830.sys 19292 03-13-00 17:25 Admjoy.sys 3345 03-07-00 18:07 AdmMult30.inf 241664 03-09-00 18:54 AU30Setp.exe 53248 03-09-00 18:56 Au30Upgd.exe 4489 12-13-99 11:01 au8830.reg 5188936 07-22-99 15:22 Aurealgm.arl 1691 03-07-00 17:06 AurlGameport.inf 90112 12-07-99 19:10 McAc3.ax 1651 03-13-00 20:41 readme.txt 642 03-13-00 20:41 Version.txt 2115847 03-09-00 19:12 Vor30App.exe 48525 03-07-00 18:02 Wdma_aurl30.inf -------- ---- 10425770 17 files

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