14 Mar 2025


Diamond Technologies, Inc. Audio Driver

Company: Diamond Technologies, Inc.
Operating System: Windows 95b (osr2) (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: DT-0197h.zip


Diamond Technologies, Inc. Driver. Tambien funciona con WIN98se
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 54 07-09-96 10:32 setup.ini 325 08-21-97 15:23 setup.pkg 11006 09-11-97 12:02 stest8.wav 13124 09-11-97 12:19 stest16.wav 9808 04-09-96 03:20 vjoyd.vx_ 276270 04-09-96 03:20 _inst16.ex_ 8192 04-09-96 03:20 _isdel.exe 28217 04-09-96 03:20 _setup.lib 10752 04-09-96 03:20 _setup.dll 1829 08-07-97 16:54 cdsetup.sys 43418 08-07-97 19:20 dosinst.exe 8506 08-07-97 17:24 dt386.z 307183 09-05-97 14:24 dtconfig.exe 34235 08-07-97 16:49 dtinit.exe 9329 08-07-97 16:30 dtmpu401.dr_ 12511 08-07-97 16:24 dtopl.dr_ 30833 08-15-97 10:53 dtsndsys.dr_ 14228 08-07-97 16:13 dtsndsys.vx_ 5639 09-11-97 18:39 dtsound.inf 939 09-11-97 17:34 dtsound.ini 3714 04-09-96 03:20 fmtest.mid 306 09-11-97 17:46 GO.BAT 8341 05-01-93 13:00 mcicda.dr_ 18158 07-31-97 10:59 midimap.cfg 3866 04-09-96 03:20 msjstick.dr_ 8474 04-09-96 03:20 msmixmgr.dl_ 8111 09-11-97 11:41 readme.txt 47616 04-09-96 03:20 setup.exe 21705 08-21-97 15:23 setup.in_ -------- ---- 946689 29 files

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