12 Mar 2025


Zoltrix 6520-234567-02 Audio Driver

Company: Zoltrix
Model: 6520-234567-02
Operating System: Windows 98SE (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: zoltrix_fmradiocard1_2.zip


Zoltrix 6520-234567-02 Driver. [FCCID=LCH9020-234567] This is the special software you need to use with ZOLTRIX FM RADIO PLUS card(software version v1.2). Works fine with all windows OS. If you need more assistance, email us at expertpcplus@videotron.ca
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 481 07-06-94 17:08 WINRADIO.INI 7543 03-23-92 04:10 _MSSETUP.EX_ 55370 03-23-92 04:10 _MSTEST.EX_ 7 10-18-93 16:42 DISK1 35017 01-18-96 02:55 INSTALL.EXE 41320 03-23-92 04:10 MSCOMSTF.DL_ 367 03-23-92 04:10 MSCUISTF.DE_ 9783 12-03-93 13:07 MSCUISTF.DL_ 167600 01-19-96 03:49 MSCUISTF.DLL 4726 03-23-92 04:10 MSDETECT.IN_ 14949 03-23-92 04:10 MSDETSTF.DL_ 40805 03-23-92 04:10 MSINSSTF.DL_ 9226 03-23-92 04:10 MSSHLSTF.DL_ 3970 03-23-92 04:10 MSUILSTF.DL_ 24624 03-23-92 04:10 SETUP.EXE 579 01-22-96 05:22 SETUP.INF 583 01-18-96 03:05 SETUP.LST 4907 01-18-96 03:04 SETUP.MST 13459 03-23-92 04:10 SETUPAPI.IN_ 74422 01-22-96 04:28 TEXT.DAT 6307 03-23-92 04:10 VER.DL_ 110996 12-12-95 04:11 WINRADIO.EXE 83095 01-22-96 05:12 WINRADIO.HLP 33026 12-12-95 04:12 FMDOS/FMRADIO.EXE 323 01-18-96 00:34 FMDOS/RADIOMAN.ABT 131615 01-22-96 23:25 FMDOS/RADIOMAN.EXE 124 01-22-96 23:28 FMDOS/RADIOMAN.CFG 62062 01-22-96 06:52 FMDOS/RADIOMAN.PCX 13344 01-18-96 00:40 FMDOS/RADIOMAN.HLP -------- ---- 950630 29 files

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