14 Mar 2025


Micron MBD001099-01 Audio Driver

Company: Micron
Model: MBD001099-01
Operating System:   (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update



Micron MBD001099-01 Driver. Windows 95 and Windows NT 3.51/4.0 PCI Crystal SoundFusion(tm) Sound Drivers. Includes the DirectX 5.0 Core files for use with the Crystal Sound system. Windows NT Version: 4.01.1900 Windows 95 Verson: C2710 NOTE: Do NOT attempt to decompress to floppy. This file is TOO big.

Operating System: Common

Release Date:07/08/1998

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 2889288 01-16-98 11:47 DirectX/dx5core.exe 22236 02-18-98 17:53 NT/cspnp.inf 236032 01-29-98 20:00 NT/CWB3DSnd.exe 8625 01-29-98 20:00 NT/cwbaudio.bin 281664 01-29-98 20:00 NT/cwbaudio.sys 126976 01-29-98 20:00 NT/cwbaudll.dll 13827 01-29-98 20:00 NT/cwcwtdos.os_ 1187667 01-29-98 20:00 NT/cwcwtsmp.da_ 41606 01-29-98 20:00 NT/MIDIMAP.CFG 372 03-13-98 18:07 NT/oemsetup.inf 7434 03-13-98 18:06 NT/RELNOTES.TXT 99962 02-18-98 01:27 WIN95/a3d.dl_ 4942 02-18-98 01:27 WIN95/a3d.vx_ 59932 03-16-98 10:30 WIN95/CWCAUDIO.INF 5921 02-18-98 01:27 WIN95/cwcbase.a3_ 5699 02-18-98 01:27 WIN95/cwcbase.os_ 94018 03-13-98 01:27 WIN95/CWCDSND.VX_ 8659 02-18-98 01:27 WIN95/cwcecho.vx_ 2682 02-18-98 01:27 WIN95/cwcenum.vx_ 123114 02-18-98 01:27 WIN95/cwchrtf.22_ 189777 02-18-98 01:27 WIN95/cwchrtf.44_ 128747 02-18-98 01:27 WIN95/cwchrtf.v2_ 210622 02-18-98 01:27 WIN95/cwchrtf.v4_ 9728 02-18-98 01:27 WIN95/cwclang.dll 41175 02-18-98 01:27 WIN95/cwcmcrnd.ax_ 33424 02-18-98 01:27 WIN95/cwcmidi.ex_ 59720 02-18-98 01:27 WIN95/cwcmmsys.dr_ 39416 02-18-98 01:27 WIN95/cwcmmsys.vx_ 8184 02-18-98 01:27 WIN95/cwcprops.cp_ 2903 02-18-98 01:27 WIN95/cwcproxy.vx_ 2847 02-18-98 01:27 WIN95/cwcspkph.os_ 61660 02-18-98 01:27 WIN95/cwcspud.vx_ 11769 02-18-98 01:27 WIN95/cwcspud3.vx_ 3456 02-18-98 01:27 WIN95/cwcwt.os_ 17219 02-18-98 01:27 WIN95/cwcwtdos.os_ 1425800 02-18-98 01:27 WIN95/cwcwtsmp.da_ 236032 02-18-98 01:27 WIN95/Cwd3dsnd.exe 8676 02-18-98 01:27 WIN95/Cwdaudio.bin 173216 02-18-98 01:27 WIN95/cwdaudio.drv 30028 03-17-98 08:53 WIN95/CWDAUDIO.INF 774 02-18-98 01:27 WIN95/cwdaudio.ini 90660 03-13-98 01:27 WIN95/Cwdaudix.vxd 21808 02-18-98 01:27 WIN95/cwdfm.drv 98320 02-18-98 01:27 WIN95/CWDINIT.exe 10109 02-18-98 01:27 WIN95/Cwdjoy.vxd 9952 02-18-98 01:27 WIN95/cwdmidi.drv 14490 02-18-98 01:27 WIN95/cwdmidi.vxd 239320 02-18-98 01:27 WIN95/CWDMIX.EXE 37888 02-18-98 01:27 WIN95/cwdpcple.dll 4531 03-17-98 17:28 WIN95/Readme.txt 78848 02-18-98 01:27 WIN95/SETUP.EXE -------- ---- 8521755 51 files

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