5 Feb 2025


Toshiba Satellite 2455-S3001, Version Audio Driver

Company: Toshiba
Model: Satellite 2455-S3001, Version
Operating System: Windows 98SE (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: zm10sndx.exe


Toshiba Satellite 2455-S3001, Version Driver. ADI SoundMax WDM Audio Driver for Windows XP/2000/98SE
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 36864 10-14-02 23:08 adidrm.dll 45056 04-21-02 21:40 adminchk.dll 40960 06-18-02 23:26 AEEnable.exe 55 12-16-02 20:31 data.tag 1263073 12-16-02 01:53 data1.cab 64032 12-16-02 01:53 data1.hdr 512 12-16-02 01:53 data2.cab 344923 09-04-01 13:24 ikernel.ex_ 495 12-16-02 01:53 layout.bin 65536 06-30-02 19:23 Migrate/Migrate.dll 7 11-18-01 22:42 nocompi.txt 6 11-18-01 22:42 nocompu.txt 143632 06-08-00 01:00 Redist/ASYCFILT.DLL 73785 09-18-01 22:47 Redist/ATL.DLL 16384 06-08-00 01:00 Redist/COMCAT.DLL 995383 06-08-00 01:00 Redist/mfc42.dll 290869 09-18-01 22:47 Redist/Msvcrt.dll 614672 09-18-01 22:47 Redist/Oleaut32.dll 164112 06-08-00 01:00 Redist/Olepro32.dll 16896 06-08-00 01:00 Redist/STDOLE2.TLB 61440 08-24-01 00:45 RemADI.exe 134656 05-14-00 19:08 Setup.exe 401 11-13-02 01:45 Setup.ini 214900 12-16-02 01:53 setup.inx 1768 11-13-02 01:45 setup.iss 1191 12-17-01 12:06 silent.txt 1078 03-11-02 00:10 SMax3CP.ico 720896 09-18-01 22:32 SMAXWDM/SE/a3d.dll 4448 09-10-02 03:11 SMAXWDM/SE/ADI_RMV.EXE 98752 08-22-02 01:57 SMAXWDM/SE/AEAUDIO.sys 45056 12-25-01 19:26 SMAXWDM/SE/inst16.exe 381200 10-02-01 22:14 SMAXWDM/SE/migrate.dll 3744 10-27-02 19:26 SMAXWDM/SE/smsens.sys 519168 11-04-02 00:26 SMAXWDM/SE/smwdm.sys 29890 11-03-02 21:11 SMAXWDM/SE/smwdmCH4.inf 9237 11-07-02 17:06 SMAXWDM/SE/smx.cat 720896 09-18-01 22:32 SMAXWDM/W2K_XP/a3d.dll 98752 08-22-02 01:57 SMAXWDM/W2K_XP/AEAUDIO.sys 36352 10-04-01 00:49 SMAXWDM/W2K_XP/install.exe 381200 10-02-01 22:14 SMAXWDM/W2K_XP/migrate.dll 35328 10-04-01 00:49 SMAXWDM/W2K_XP/Remove.exe 3744 10-27-02 19:26 SMAXWDM/W2K_XP/smsens.sys 519168 11-04-02 00:26 SMAXWDM/W2K_XP/smwdm.sys 29890 11-03-02 21:11 SMAXWDM/W2K_XP/smwdmCH4.inf 9237 11-07-02 17:06 SMAXWDM/W2K_XP/smx.cat 151552 08-29-02 20:26 SM_Micro/Sys/MicTab.dll 77824 06-05-02 16:55 SM_Micro/Sys/SMWizard.exe 61028 10-08-02 22:19 SM_Panel/Sys/Arabic/SMaxFAQ.htm 18503 10-08-02 01:58 SM_Panel/Sys/Brazil/SMaxFAQ.htm 16504 10-08-02 18:57 SM_Panel/Sys/Danish/SMaxFAQ.htm 15669 10-08-02 19:00 SM_Panel/Sys/Dutch/SMaxFAQ.htm 15383 10-08-02 19:02 SM_Panel/Sys/English/SMaxFAQ.htm 17856 10-08-02 19:04 SM_Panel/Sys/Finnish/SMaxFAQ.htm 18941 10-08-02 19:28 SM_Panel/Sys/French/SMaxFAQ.htm 17712 10-08-02 19:31 SM_Panel/Sys/German/SMaxFAQ.htm 59902 10-08-02 19:40 SM_Panel/Sys/Hebrew/SMaxFAQ.htm 17258 10-08-02 19:42 SM_Panel/Sys/Italian/SMaxFAQ.htm 15203 10-08-02 19:45 SM_Panel/Sys/Japanese/SMaxFAQ.htm 14674 10-08-02 21:55 SM_Panel/Sys/Korean/SMaxFAQ.htm 15924 10-08-02 21:57 SM_Panel/Sys/Norwegan/SMaxFAQ.htm 16179 10-08-02 21:59 SM_Panel/Sys/Russian/SMaxFAQ.htm 12041 10-08-02 22:03 SM_Panel/Sys/SimpChin/SMaxFAQ.htm 45056 07-15-02 01:36 SM_Panel/Sys/SMAgent.exe 40960 06-06-02 22:11 SM_Panel/Sys/SMAgentI.exe 40960 08-08-02 00:03 SM_Panel/Sys/SMAgentX.exe 110592 08-29-02 20:28 SM_Panel/Sys/SMax3CP.cpl 592 07-30-02 01:39 SM_Panel/Sys/SMaxCP.mnf 1285632 09-11-01 00:20 SM_Panel/Sys/SMMedia.dll 90112 06-26-02 02:36 SM_Panel/Sys/SMTray.exe 18323 10-08-02 22:06 SM_Panel/Sys/Spanish/SMaxFAQ.htm 17395 10-08-02 22:08 SM_Panel/Sys/Swedish/SMaxFAQ.htm 14549 10-08-02 22:12 SM_Panel/Sys/Thai/SMaxFAQ.htm 12179 10-08-02 22:14 SM_Panel/Sys/TradChin/SMaxFAQ.htm 30208 09-11-01 00:20 SM_Panel/Sys/wdmioctl.dll 308276 11-13-02 01:45 SoundMAX.bmp 45056 04-17-02 00:05 Sys/CleanUp.exe 45056 06-06-02 00:28 Sys/DSndUp.exe 308278 11-13-02 01:45 win256_3.bmp -------- ---- 11215021 78 files

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