14 Mar 2025


Boca Research SE1440 Audio Driver

Company: Boca Research
Model: SE1440
Operating System: Windows 95 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: se14inf.zip


Boca Research SE1440 Driver. This is a huge sound/modem card with a Crystal CS-4231A-KL chip and an OPTi 82c929a chip. When you hit add new hardware (don't let it scan), chose Multi-function adapter.
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 23633 07-12-95 15:17 MODEM.INF 268871 06-28-95 16:37 CSACSET.EXE 41568 06-28-95 16:37 CSACMOD1.EXE 5036 06-28-95 16:37 CSACHMX1.COM 65158 06-28-95 16:37 CSACDIA1.EXE 33693 06-28-95 16:37 SOUNDTST.WAV 3358 06-29-95 08:03 CSACDOS1.INI 27429 06-28-95 16:37 VSNDSYS.386 104176 06-28-95 16:37 CS31BA11.DRV 7088 06-28-95 16:37 MPU401.DRV 56384 06-28-95 16:37 OPL3.DRV 15102 06-28-95 16:37 OPL3.HLP 31 06-28-95 16:37 OPL3.CFG 43538 06-28-95 16:37 MIDIMAP.CFG 4385 06-28-95 16:37 CS31BA11.INI 4736 07-25-95 15:34 OEMSETUP.INF 699 08-31-95 14:46 README.1ST -------- ------- 704885 17 files

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