14 Mar 2025


GVC S-16WP2/L (C) Audio Driver

Company: GVC
Model: S-16WP2/L (C)
Operating System: Windows 95 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: Waterford2.zip


GVC S-16WP2/L (C) Driver. This driver caused a fatal exception when I first tried to install it, so if it does this don't sweat it. Cancel and re-boot and do it again. The dirver is working fine. This card is manufactured by GVC and has a Crystal cs4235 Chip on it, and shows up in windows as a waterford2
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 79872 04-01-98 00:27 SETUP.EXE 8676 04-01-98 00:27 CWDAUDIO.BIN 173472 04-01-98 00:27 CWDAUDIO.DRV 28725 04-01-98 00:27 CWDAUDIO.INF 774 04-01-98 00:27 CWDAUDIO.INI 91176 04-07-98 00:27 CWDAUDIX.VXD 21808 04-01-98 00:27 CWDFM.DRV 98176 04-01-98 00:27 CWDINIT.EXE 10133 04-01-98 00:27 CWDJOY.VXD 9952 04-01-98 00:27 CWDMIDI.DRV 14494 04-01-98 00:27 CWDMIDI.VXD 239320 04-01-98 00:27 CWDMIX.EXE 37888 04-01-98 00:27 CWDPCPLE.DLL 3229 06-22-98 11:29 Readme.TXT 206848 04-01-98 00:27 CWD3DSND.EXE -------- ------- 1024543 15 files

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