14 Mar 2025


AD Chips Internal MIDI (OPL2/OPL3 FM Synthesis) Audio Driver

Company: AD Chips
Model: Internal MIDI (OPL2/OPL3 FM Synthesis)
Operating System: Windows 95 & Windows 98 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: adchips.zip


AD Chips Internal MIDI (OPL2/OPL3 FM Synthesis) Driver. Well... its a very friendly driver, and practycly installs itself..

However, the hardver that this driver supports is a little tricky Its sort of semi P&P.. it has a jumper wich needs to BE SHORTED if you want to use this driver.. if its not shorted, the card will automaticly be recognised as sb 16, and lose a lot of functions (volume controll is one of them).. there is only one jumper, so you cant miss.. well.. good luck )

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 8257 07-05-96 07:09 Adcset.inf 3985 01-31-96 10:19 C9setrom.exe 7434 05-02-96 13:32 Cmi8329.rom 5894 10-09-99 00:13 id chips.htm 18944 07-11-95 09:50 Imaadp32.acm 17920 07-11-95 09:50 Msadp32.acm 10240 07-11-95 09:50 Msg711.acm 25088 07-11-95 09:50 Msgsm32.acm 105472 07-11-95 09:50 Sndrec32.exe 392 07-11-95 09:50 Sndvol32.cnt 54784 07-11-95 09:50 Sndvol32.exe 11120 07-11-95 09:50 Sndvol32.hlp 1023 07-11-95 09:50 Soundrec.cnt 24895 07-11-95 09:50 Soundrec.hlp 8704 07-11-95 09:50 Tssoft32.acm 13456 07-11-95 09:50 Wfm0200.acv 2238 07-11-95 09:50 Wfm0200a.csp 5184 07-11-95 09:50 Wfm0201.acv 6776 07-11-95 09:50 Wfm0201a.csp 9056 07-11-95 09:50 Wfm0202.acv 9004 07-11-95 09:50 Wfm0202a.csp 9056 07-11-95 09:50 Wfm0203.acv 9004 07-11-95 09:50 Wfm0203a.csp 16581 07-04-96 13:53 Winst.exe 15213 05-03-96 16:25 Playwav.ex_ 29854 07-04-96 10:19 Aeinit.ex_ 9439 05-03-96 09:58 Aemix.co_ 12764 05-03-96 16:25 Aecdplyr.ex_ -------- ------- 451777 28 files

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