29 Mar 2025


Creative Labs Sound Blaster Live! 5.1 Model Number SB0100 Audio Driver

Company: Creative Labs
Model: Sound Blaster Live! 5.1 Model Number SB0100
Operating System: Windows 98 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: Sound_Blaster_Live__5.1_SB0100_Windows_98-ME.exe


Creative Labs Sound Blaster Live! 5.1 Model Number SB0100 Driver. So anyway, i got my hands on this Sound Blaster Live! 5.1 Model Number SB0100 sound card. I didnt get any drivers with it so i went to the Creative Labs website to get the drivers for it for my old Windows 98 machine. Found it easy enough on their website. I downloaded the Windows 98 version called "SBL51_W9xME.exe", a 19MB file. I double clicked on it to extract it and it gave me 4 files, "SBL51.EXE", "SBL51.W02", "SBL51.W03", and "SBL51VXD.LIB". I double clicked "SBL51.EXE" and it proceeded to tell me that it couldnt find any Sound Blaster Live! audio card and therefore it could not continue. After doing some research online and coming to the conclusion that the model number SB0100 wasnt supported by Creative Labs, possibly due to it being a bulk OEM product (they frown on that sort of thing), i tried searching for drivers online but never really found one that i wanted to trust, mainly because there were 100's of different ones that were all sposed to be for that card. I then tried to work with the 4 files that unzipped from the file i downloaded off the Creative Labs website and i was able to unzip the file "SBL51VXD.LIB" using a program called "7-Zip". Thats where all the drivers were and "Upddrv98.exe" that makes the install quick and easy. I then zipped those files in a self extracting zip file which is what this file i've uploaded contains.
File Contents:
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