14 Mar 2025


Sound Port AD90609 / AD1489 Audio Driver

Company: Sound Port
Model: AD90609 / AD1489
Operating System: Windows 95 & DOS (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: 928d_w.exe


Sound Port AD90609 / AD1489 Driver. This driver for OPTi 82C928 is designed for Windows 3.1 and DOS, but works fine in my Windows 95 system. OPTi do not officially produce a Windows 95 set of drivers for this model, but then who's complaining, when these drivers work fine. Extract the files to a floppy and run from the DOS prompt. By defalt it seems to select SB sound system - you need to change this to Windows system. Also to run a Panasonic CD CR562 or a SoundBlaster CR563 from this card, I had to insert a jumper at J13 to get Windows 95 to pick up the CD drive.

This was a hard one to figure out, so I hope it resurects some old 2-speed cd drives.


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