14 Mar 2025


S3 SonicVibes (617 chipset) Audio Driver

Company: S3
Model: SonicVibes (617 chipset)
Operating System: Windows NT (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: 617_nt4_10007.zip


S3 SonicVibes (617 chipset) Driver. I've searched through Diamond MultiMedias ftp-site, and found out were they've "hidden" their drivers... All other S3 drivers can be found at ftp.diamondmm.com/pub/archive/s3/desktop/ (It's easier to find the right driver if you have the chipset#)
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 249856 12-17-97 12:16 SETUP.EXE 1550 07-03-97 16:42 S3AUDIO.REG 14410 12-11-97 10:38 LOGO.BMP 140 07-17-97 10:50 FILE.LST 80 12-17-97 12:16 VERSION.TXT 1048524 06-30-97 18:56 S3GM1.BIN 54272 12-17-97 12:05 S3FMDRV.DLL 37888 12-17-97 12:07 S3USRDRV.DLL 25088 12-17-97 12:12 S3USRJS.DLL 68704 12-17-97 12:11 S3KNLDRV.SYS 17344 12-17-97 12:14 S3KNLJS.SYS 10240 12-17-97 12:15 S3AUDIO.CPL 516 12-17-97 12:16 OEMSETUP.INF 2093764 12-14-97 02:04 S3GM2.BIN -------- ------- 3622376 14 files

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