12 Mar 2025


SiS Corporation 530/5995 Audio Driver

Company: SiS Corporation
Model: 530/5995
Operating System: Not Specified (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: es1938s.zip


SiS Corporation 530/5995 Driver. If you're banging your head off the wall like I was looking for the onboard sound card driver for the sis530 chipset and have tried everything else this is the driver for you. Look on the mother board bottom left beside top pci slot, if you see ESS download this driver. It is in zip format. Just create a new folder zip it there then run the setup file. Then you can delete the folder after installation. It worked for me.
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 108 08-25-98 17:01 DATA.TAG 2236 08-25-98 17:01 DATA1.CAB 20976 01-04-99 11:40 ESFM.DRV 80464 01-04-99 11:17 ESSDM.VXD 10496 01-04-99 11:39 ESSMPU.DRV 27570 10-26-98 15:21 ESSOLO.COM 92112 01-04-99 11:08 ESSOLO.DRV 10378 09-30-98 19:37 ESSOLO.SYS 45197 01-04-99 11:50 ESSOLO.VXD 56670 03-30-98 19:27 ESSSWT.DAT 21280 01-04-99 11:32 ESSSWT.DRV 110234 05-26-98 16:58 ESSSWT.VXD 4557 08-25-98 17:01 LANG.DAT 353 08-25-98 17:01 LAYOUT.BIN 15211 01-21-98 01:38 OEMSETUP.INF 417 08-25-98 17:01 OS.DAT 59904 08-25-98 17:01 SETUP.EXE 63 08-25-98 17:32 SETUP.INI 60307 08-25-98 17:01 SETUP.INS 261 06-16-98 16:09 SETUP.ISS 47 08-25-98 17:01 SETUP.LID 317092 08-25-98 17:01 _INST32I.EX_ 8192 08-25-98 17:01 _ISDEL.EXE 11264 08-25-98 17:01 _SETUP.DLL 205135 08-25-98 17:01 _SYS1.CAB 44304 08-25-98 17:01 _USER1.CAB -------- ------- 1204828 26 files

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