14 Mar 2025


S3 Sonic Vibes 86C617 Audio Driver

Company: S3
Model: Sonic Vibes 86C617
Operating System: Windows 95 & Windows 98 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: S3_SV.ZIP


S3 Sonic Vibes 86C617 Driver. for S3 Sonic Vibes with chip marked

86C617. after ungradeing to WindowsME my sound card stopped working. These drivers seem to have fixed the problem

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 42552 02-01-93 02:04 PKZIP.EXE 64560 09-05-97 17:32 S3WAVE.DRV 6177 09-05-97 17:33 S3VJOYD.VXD 8192 09-05-97 17:30 S3THUNK.DLL 26944 09-05-97 17:32 S3MIDI.DRV 1832 07-25-97 15:01 S3JSTICK.INF 896 08-12-97 09:42 S3INIT.INI 4864 09-05-97 17:33 DETECT16.DLL 19136 09-05-97 17:33 S3FM.DRV 10117 09-05-97 17:30 S3DLSVXD.VXD 56447 09-05-97 17:29 S3CVXD.VXD 191040 09-05-97 17:30 S3BASE.DLL 6128 09-05-97 17:36 S3AUDIO.INF 20480 09-05-97 17:27 S3AUDIO.CPL 18944 09-05-97 17:33 DETECT32.DLL 1048524 06-30-97 18:56 S3GM1.BIN 11657 09-05-97 17:36 S3LEGACY.COM 55176 06-05-97 10:08 S3MIXER.EXE 207360 09-05-97 17:35 SETUP.EXE -------- ------- 1801026 19 files

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