14 Mar 2025


Diamond Technologies, Inc. DT0398/DT0399 Audio Driver

Company: Diamond Technologies, Inc.
Model: DT0398/DT0399
Operating System: Windows 95 & DOS (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: Dt0398_99.zip


Diamond Technologies, Inc. DT0398/DT0399 Driver. zip contains drivers for Windows 98 as well. Manual also available in PDF format. (Important to say "yes" each time reboot requested!!)
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 4473 09-08-98 12:50 DOS801.EXE 8192 10-21-98 20:16 _ISDEL.EXE 11264 10-21-98 20:16 _SETUP.DLL 203783 10-21-98 20:16 _SYS1.CAB 44786 10-21-98 20:16 _USER1.CAB 17343 10-09-98 08:54 CFG801.EXE 127 10-21-98 20:16 DATA.TAG 2832 10-21-98 20:16 DATA1.CAB 290586 10-21-98 20:16 _INST32I.EX_ 292352 10-16-98 14:12 EZAUDIO.EXE 24 10-01-98 14:41 EZAUDIO.S 9186 11-05-98 11:51 FM801.IN_ 9829 11-05-98 13:45 FM801.INF 23552 09-23-98 17:23 FMDEL.EXE 20496 10-31-98 12:20 FMEDIA.CPL 5764 09-25-98 13:58 FMJOYD.VXD 37892 01-06-99 18:54 FTDLL16.DLL 24064 01-06-99 18:54 FTDLL32.DLL 4557 10-21-98 20:16 LANG.DAT 353 10-21-98 20:16 LAYOUT.BIN 417 10-21-98 20:16 OS.DAT 5188 01-19-99 11:16 Readme.txt 59904 10-21-98 20:16 SETUP.EXE 358 10-27-98 19:36 SETUP.INI 60049 10-21-98 20:16 SETUP.INS 49 10-21-98 20:16 SETUP.LID 105344 10-31-98 12:15 SND801.DRV 33968 10-31-98 12:18 SND801.VXD 687 10-27-98 19:35 SOUNDCFG.INI -------- ------- 1277419 29 files

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