14 Mar 2025


Turtle Beach Systems TBS400-3355-01 Vortex AU8820 Audio Driver

Company: Turtle Beach Systems
Model: TBS400-3355-01 Vortex AU8820
Operating System: Windows 95b (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: mtg_1c.zip


Turtle Beach Systems TBS400-3355-01 Vortex AU8820 Driver. Drivers may work for WIN9X, thanks to Ilam Mougy who uploaded as generic Turtle Beach driver. Your TBS400-3355-01 with the Vortex AU8820 chipset is a Montego card. the TB website is no help at all since they don't reference the Vortex chipset anywhere. I wasted 10 hours looking for model specific, but thank God for Ilam.
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 0 12-23-98 10:05 WINNTSUP/ 278528 08-24-98 18:09 WINNTSUP/ASP4CPL.EXE 121344 08-24-98 17:55 WINNTSUP/ASP4CPL.CPL 8628 08-06-98 15:44 ASP4CPL1.GID 8628 08-06-98 15:44 ASP4CPL2.GID 8628 08-06-98 15:44 ASP4CPL3.GID 8628 08-06-98 15:44 ASP4CPL4.GID 4144 08-27-98 14:36 ASP4CPL5.HLP 12944 08-12-98 17:14 au8820.reg 332096 12-22-98 12:48 Au8820.sys 174080 09-09-98 09:23 A3D.DLL 13423 08-09-98 05:24 A3D.VXD 537644 02-20-98 14:29 A3DSPLH.WAV 550082 02-20-98 14:29 A3DSPLS.WAV 122880 08-05-98 18:10 A3DSPLSH.EXE 537644 11-03-97 18:33 A3DSPLSH.WAV 79266 03-19-98 14:00 ACRORUN.EXE 5817 09-01-98 20:52 ASP4APPY.VXD 34084 12-22-98 10:28 ASP4COMM.INF 280576 10-04-97 05:03 MSVCRT.DLL 391 12-22-98 16:01 OEMSETUP.INF 79809 04-15-98 12:57 OSR2GLUE.EXE 262144 09-01-98 20:49 Asp4Setp.tmp 7783 12-22-98 10:34 Asp4mult.inf 59918 12-23-98 09:57 Asp4mmed.inf 8628 08-27-98 14:36 ASP4CPL5.GID 449233 09-01-98 20:49 ASP4CORE.VXD 121344 09-01-98 20:48 ASP4CPL.CPL 278528 09-01-98 20:48 ASP4CPL.EXE 4927 08-06-98 15:44 ASP4CPL1.HLP 6470 08-06-98 15:44 ASP4CPL2.HLP 5386 08-06-98 15:44 ASP4CPL3.HLP 4171 08-06-98 15:44 ASP4CPL4.HLP 37524 09-01-98 20:51 ASP4DOS.COM 16045 09-01-98 20:49 ASP4INIT.VXD 8369 09-01-98 20:49 ASP4JOYS.VXD 8704 09-01-98 20:50 ASP4MIDI.DRV 23733 09-01-98 20:50 ASP4MIDI.VXD 7808 09-01-98 20:52 ASP4MIX.DRV 103118 09-01-98 20:52 ASP4MIX.VXD 3014 12-22-98 10:36 Asp4port.inf 19685 09-01-98 20:49 ASP4PORT.VXD 68829 09-01-98 20:50 ASP4SBFM.VXD 262144 09-01-98 20:48 ASP4SETP.EXE 2560 09-01-98 20:52 ASP4THRU.DLL 201728 09-01-98 20:49 ASP4TRAY.EXE 8912 09-01-98 20:50 ASP4WAVE.DRV 125963 09-01-98 20:50 ASP4WAVE.VXD 6784 09-01-98 20:51 ASP4WT.DRV 172239 09-01-98 20:51 ASP4WT.VXD 0 12-06-97 10:31 AU88NT 177152 12-22-98 12:48 AU88NT32.DLL 30208 03-11-98 15:14 AU88WT.DLL 53248 12-22-98 12:48 AUM42LOC.DLL 5188936 06-26-98 15:03 AUREALGM 940304 10-04-97 05:03 MFC42.DLL 136704 02-08-98 12:04 MFNDFILE.EXE 450 03-15-98 05:13 MIXINIT.TXT 338 12-24-98 11:14 NTreadme.txt 2817 12-28-98 14:04 Readme.txt -------- ------- 12015112 60 files

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