14 Mar 2025


Phillips pcs704/705 Audio Driver

Company: Phillips
Model: pcs704/705
Operating System: Windows 98SE (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: PSC705_WDM_ENG_V157.exe


Phillips pcs704/705 Driver. These are as of jan 2002. Covers the 704 and 705 Seismic Edge cards. Suports 98se/ME/2K/XP
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 254000 09-17-99 14:41 COMMON/A3D.DLL 206156 02-22-01 11:47 COMMON/TBIRDHD.COD 6050222 01-06-99 15:35 COMMON/TbirdHD.dls 7779 06-13-01 14:06 COMMON/Tbirdhd.pch 0 10-11-01 11:14 COMMON/ 0 10-11-01 11:14 HELP/ENGLISH/ 360869 06-22-01 09:13 HELP/ENGLISH/Avenger.chm 0 10-11-01 11:14 HELP/ 0 10-11-01 11:14 LICENSE/ENGLISH/ 5860 06-22-01 10:41 LICENSE/ENGLISH/PSEULA.txt 0 10-11-01 11:14 LICENSE/ 0 10-11-01 11:15 WDM/COMMON/ 32768 03-02-01 10:12 WDM/COMMON/DrvTB32.dll 4997 04-23-01 00:15 WDM/COMMON/edcoinst.dll 40960 03-02-01 10:16 WDM/COMMON/pkmeter.dll 11365 07-11-01 11:22 WDM/COMMON/TBHDGame.sys 333972 08-23-01 13:36 WDM/COMMON/TBIRDHD.sys 12870 09-14-00 21:08 WDM/COMMON/Tbirdjoy.vxd 0 10-11-01 11:15 WDM/ENGLISH/ 815104 08-23-01 14:10 WDM/ENGLISH/acoustic.cpl 28672 06-01-01 09:28 WDM/ENGLISH/acoustic.exe 49152 06-29-01 09:11 WDM/ENGLISH/hduninst.exe 45056 07-03-01 08:41 WDM/ENGLISH/Launcher.exe 27807 08-23-01 14:49 WDM/ENGLISH/PSC705.INF 0 10-11-01 11:15 WDM/ 15730 10-11-01 13:49 ReadMe.txt -------- ------- 8303339 26 files

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