14 Mar 2025


Crystal Semiconductors CS4232 Audio Driver

Company: Crystal Semiconductors
Model: CS4232
Operating System: Windows 95a (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: AP64DN_W95C.zip


Crystal Semiconductors CS4232 Driver. Windows 95 & MS-DOS drivers for Zoltrix Audio Plus 6400 PNP Sound Card(have Crsytal 4232 chip).

Disk label is "AP64DN_W95C".

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 136177 11-07-96 18:11 CS32MIX.EXE 190320 09-24-96 17:00 CS32BA11.DRV 108050 11-08-96 15:47 DOS/CS32INTR.EX_ 151755 11-08-96 15:47 DOS/CS32DIAG.EX_ 12741 11-08-96 15:47 DOS/CR3D.EX_ 5 11-08-96 15:47 DOS/CR3D.SET 46597 11-08-96 15:47 DOS/CS4232C.EX_ 19648 11-08-96 15:47 DOS/CS32WSS.EX_ 0 01-20-02 21:15 DOS/ 20518 09-23-96 17:00 CS4232.000 20507 02-04-97 17:00 CS4232.INF 774 10-02-95 17:00 CS4232.INI 90688 12-11-96 19:32 CS4232C.EXE 13380 08-09-96 17:00 CS4232LD.VXD 21808 08-08-96 17:00 CSFM.DRV 9296 04-15-96 17:00 CSMIDI.DRV 28844 05-02-96 17:00 CSMIDI.VXD 73216 04-18-96 17:00 CSPCPLE.DLL 6973 10-07-96 17:00 CWAUDIO.BIN 89143 09-24-96 17:00 CWAUDIO.VXD 51 09-08-95 01:30 DISK2.ID 4112 04-17-96 17:00 MSGLOOP.EXE 35 09-19-96 09:37 PNP32.BAT 6733 11-01-96 15:38 PNP32.INI 23040 10-11-96 17:00 README.DOC 70770 11-08-96 17:55 RESOURCE.EXE 259584 09-20-96 17:00 SETUP.EXE 5175 04-18-96 17:00 VWSTREAM.VXD 9712 04-17-96 17:00 WSTREAM.DLL -------- ------- 1419652 29 files

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