29 Mar 2025


Creative Labs ct-4830 Audio Driver

Company: Creative Labs
Model: ct-4830
Operating System: Windows 98SE (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: CT-4830-drivers.zip


Creative Labs ct-4830 Driver. me like a dummy format c and never gave drivers a though, lo & behold i have no cd for my soundcard, so i flipped the lid and seen model CT4830 on the card, n went to creative site..then the dumbf*cks said they dont have the sh*t i need, so i came here * d/l every damn driver i need ( thanks btw ).Point windows "i found a new device" to whatever folder you unzip these files to, and you at least you will be able to listen to and record audio..hopefully..good luck!
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 35872 04-23-99 22:22 CT-4830^drivers/VJOYD.VXD 13940 04-23-99 22:22 CT-4830^drivers/MMDEVLDR.VXD 382541 09-07-00 19:15 CT-4830^drivers/EMU10K1.VXD 247946 02-18-00 01:00 CT-4830^drivers/CTSYN.VXD 7168 06-24-98 04:05 CT-4830^drivers/CIFMAN.CRL 9728 06-24-98 04:05 CT-4830^drivers/CIFMAN.DLL 6131 07-02-98 04:05 CT-4830^drivers/CIFMAN.VXD 23711 02-09-99 01:00 CT-4830^drivers/SFMAN.VXD 122880 04-23-99 22:22 CT-4830^drivers/SFC.EXE 111104 01-13-99 02:00 CT-4830^drivers/SFMAN32.DLL 339968 08-17-00 18:13 CT-4830^drivers/DEVCON32.DLL 2090170 11-16-96 01:01 CT-4830^drivers/2GMGSMT.SF2 36352 03-23-99 14:07 CT-4830^drivers/AC3API.DLL 18512 07-28-98 04:14 CT-4830^drivers/CSPMAN.DLL 59392 10-14-98 08:03 CT-4830^drivers/A3D.DLL 2259067 02-25-98 01:00 CT-4830^drivers/DEFAULT.ECW 17488 05-26-99 01:00 CT-4830^drivers/CTSYN16.DRV 495616 08-29-00 01:10 CT-4830^drivers/SBLFX.DLL 17024 08-04-00 01:10 CT-4830^drivers/CTMM16.DRV 501 02-17-02 05:10 CT-4830^drivers/ct-4830.txt 0 02-17-02 05:27 CT-4830^drivers/ -------- ------- 6295111 21 files

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