31 Mar 2025


ESS Technologies ESS AudioDrive 1869 Audio Driver

Company: ESS Technologies
Model: ESS AudioDrive 1869
Operating System: Windows 3.x (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: 1869W31_41707.zip


ESS Technologies ESS AudioDrive 1869 Driver. I searched on this site for Windows 3.1 drivers for this card and found none so I emailed tech support at ESS. Somebody there was actually nice enough to send me the drivers via email (the drivers aren't on their website anymore)! However, I didn't like their implication that DOS/Windows 3.1 is obsolete and I should move on to a newer system. For those of you that still enjoy your old, obsolete systems, good for you! Enjoy the drivers!
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 0 06-20-97 20:56 ESSSET/ 8474 06-14-94 09:54 MSMIXMGR.DL_ 41152 06-05-97 09:45 ESSSETUP.EXE 10096 02-13-95 10:08 SETUP.EXE 258 07-09-97 16:15 ESSSOFT.INI 12934 07-08-97 14:27 ESSSET/ES1869WN.38_ 7832 01-14-95 11:47 ESSSET/MIDIMAP.CF_ 7832 01-14-95 11:47 ESSSET/MIDIMAP3.CF_ 1290 06-05-97 10:34 ESSSET/ES1868.CO_ 6424 07-25-95 17:34 ESSSET/VOLAPI.DL_ 8120 07-08-97 14:27 ESSSET/AUDMPU.DR_ 48673 07-08-97 14:10 ESSSET/ES1869WN.DR_ 20871 01-10-97 15:05 ESSSET/ESSCFG.EX_ 3469 03-07-95 13:26 ESSSET/ESSDAEMN.EX_ 8622 05-28-96 18:06 ESSSET/ESSVOL.EX_ 34565 07-11-97 14:32 ESSSET/ESSSET.HI_ 6546 01-10-95 18:12 ESSSET/AUDDRIVE.HL_ 5810 02-15-95 14:50 ESSSET/AUDMPU.HL_ 437 06-05-97 10:21 ESSSET/CONFIG.INI 47 05-15-97 17:36 ESSSET/ESSCFG.IN_ -------- ------- 233452 20 files

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