14 Mar 2025


SoundBlaster CT4810 Audio Driver

Company: SoundBlaster
Model: CT4810
Operating System: Windows 98SE (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: SB_AudioPCI_128_CT4810_Win9x.zip


SoundBlaster CT4810 Driver. This driver for the SB AudioPCI 128 CT4810 should also works on 5880 board, Concert AC97 PCI board, Creative CT4751 board (EEPROM), Creative CT4816 board, Creative CT4740 board (EEPROM), Creative CT4815 board (EEPROM), Intel OC440LX, Intel RC440BX, Intel WS440BX, Intel BI440ZX, Intel BL440ZX, Intel BZ440ZX, Intel FJ440ZX, Intel Cayman, Intel Vancouver, Intel SunRiver.
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 59392 01-11-99 18:26 A3D.DLL 40960 03-20-00 11:10 AC3API.DLL 11061 04-06-00 13:33 ctpci9x.cat 90336 03-09-00 01:00 ctpci9x.drv 459933 04-05-00 14:39 ctpci9x.vxd 267616 02-02-00 01:00 CTPCIHLP.dll 77680 03-12-00 01:00 Ctpcir16.dll 2259070 01-21-99 17:31 EAPCI2M.ECW 23727 03-01-99 18:55 ENSQIO.VXD 7355 03-30-00 01:00 SbaPci9x.inf -------- ------- 3297130 10 files

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