14 Mar 2025


SoundBlaster CT1779 Audio Driver

Company: SoundBlaster
Model: CT1779
Operating System: Windows 3.1 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: 16SCSI-2.zip


SoundBlaster CT1779 Driver. This download contains floppy images of the original 7 disks that came with the CT1779. The card is described as 16SCSI-2. It also works with the CT1770 and maybe other earlier Creative/SoundBlaster ISA cards as it's a basic dos setup. The files and their corresponding disk names are:

SB16INST. . . Installation disk

SB16ACC . . . Accessories disk

SB16APP . . . Application disk

SB16VA. . . . Voice Assist Program

SB16T2S . . . Text to Speech Program

SB16HSC . . . HSC Interactive Program

SB16SCSI. . . Adaptec EZ-SCSI Drivers

Extract the zip file with something like winzip. Choose to extract it to the root directory, C:\. It will create a folder named 'SB' and deposit the image files there.

The image files are self extracting .exe files. Just run each file. It'll instruct you to put a floppy disk in A: and then will create the appropriate disk.

Run SETUP from the SB16INST disk to begin the installation. It'll prompt you for the other disks. I believe the Text to Speech and HSC Interactive disks are stand alone programs and aren't needed for the basic installation. The EZ SCSI disk may not be needed if you don't have a cdrom connected to the card.

File Contents:
No file content information available at this time.

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