14 Mar 2025


Terratec DMX Multi-Device Enumerator Audio Driver

Company: Terratec
Model: DMX Multi-Device Enumerator
Operating System: Not Specified (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: DMX_win9x_2008.zip


Terratec DMX Multi-Device Enumerator Driver. This is an unofficial driver for the SoundSystem DMX. It fixes the problems on the rear speakers for DVD-Playback with four channels (f.e. for WinDVD). But it could cause some problems using digital in/out.
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 340092 06-13-01 21:19 ES197X.vxd 786432 06-22-00 21:06 AUDIO3D.DLL 12520 08-16-00 13:54 CRL197X.VXD 765952 06-02-00 21:02 CRLDS3D.DLL 206945 08-04-00 22:00 CRLDS3D.VXD 23552 02-07-00 15:00 CRLP3D.EXE 236 02-07-00 15:00 CRLP3D.TXT 6874 02-07-00 15:00 DELME.EXE 1 02-07-00 15:00 DMX.CAT 49010 02-07-00 15:00 Dmx.com 5049 06-10-01 01:59 DMX.INF 12560 02-07-00 15:00 Dmx.sys 21101 11-07-00 19:29 DMXWT.INF 159824 06-10-01 01:57 ES197X.DRV 786432 06-22-00 21:06 A3D.DLL 10768 11-27-00 13:14 ESENUM.VXD 91176 11-27-00 13:14 ESMGR.VXD 9744 11-27-00 13:18 MSTR401.DRV 14478 11-27-00 13:15 MSTR401.VXD 15514 11-27-00 13:16 MSTRSBP.VXD 169248 03-20-00 17:28 PLAT2MEG.DLL 2097152 03-20-00 17:28 PLAT2MEG.IMG 170624 03-20-00 17:28 PLAT4MEG.DLL 4194304 03-20-00 17:28 PLAT4MEG.IMG 2301 11-29-00 16:20 ReadMe.txt -------- ------- 9951889 25 files

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