14 Mar 2025


Crystal Semiconductors 1996 until Now Audio Driver

Company: Crystal Semiconductors
Model: 1996 until Now
Operating System: Windows 98 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: crystal95.zip


Crystal Semiconductors 1996 until Now Driver. Have an unknown model sound/joystick board that uses a CRYSTAL CS4231A-KL

chip. Got this driver from an English

company but it doesn't seem to work with my board. My board might be bad or not even a Crystal board?? Has the #--SC6600 V2.0 on the board.

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 261120 06-24-97 02:50 CWB3DSND.EXE 8225 06-24-97 02:50 CWBAUDIO.BIN 228208 06-24-97 02:50 CWBAUDIO.DRV 27104 06-24-97 02:50 CWBAUDIO.INF 774 06-24-97 02:50 CWBAUDIO.INI 115224 06-24-97 02:50 CWBAUDIX.VXD 21776 06-24-97 02:50 CWBFM.DRV 95840 06-24-97 02:50 CWBINIT.EXE 10109 06-24-97 02:50 CWBJOY.VXD 9392 06-24-97 02:50 CWBMIDI.DRV 29326 06-24-97 02:50 CWBMIDI.VXD 239070 06-24-97 02:50 CWBMIX.EXE 37376 06-24-97 02:50 CWBPCPLE.DLL 4112 06-24-97 02:50 MSGLOOP.EXE 24064 06-24-97 02:50 README.DOC 248832 06-24-97 02:50 SETUP.EXE 5175 06-24-97 02:50 VWSTREAM.VXD 9712 06-24-97 02:50 WSTREAM.DLL 1750 06-24-97 02:50 WSTRM.TXT -------- ------- 1377189 19 files

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