29 Mar 2025


Creative Labs ct1770 Audio Driver

Company: Creative Labs
Model: ct1770
Operating System: Windows 95 & DOS (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: s16dw3up.exe


Creative Labs ct1770 Driver. This driver is an update but it installed all the objects required to make the sound card works in DOS. After installing in DOS, let the DIAGNOSE.EXE to automatically determine the sound card setting, update your CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files and test the card. If you will be using it in Windows 95 or 98, you should install the sound card as a new hardware and let windows look for the correct drivers in your Windows 95 or 98 CD. If you are installing this in Widnows 95 or 98 and it can't find the objects it requires in your Windows CD, let me know as I have all the objects stored in a floppy disk (around 800KB).
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 100 06-18-96 01:00 DISK.ID 265 06-20-96 01:00 HISTORY.TXT 196671 04-10-96 04:26 INSTALL.EXE 26281 04-10-96 01:00 INSTALL.PVL 2025 10-08-92 02:20 README.COM 5939 06-24-96 13:43 README.TXT 313321 06-18-96 01:00 SB16DOSD.PVL 153302 06-18-96 01:00 SB16WIND.PVL 6580 01-17-96 10:44 LICENSE.TXT 550 06-26-96 16:38 FILE_ID.DIZ -------- ------- 705034 10 files

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