29 Mar 2025


Creative Labs es1371, etc. Audio Driver

Company: Creative Labs
Model: es1371, etc.
Operating System: Windows 98SE (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: missingCreativefiles.zip


Creative Labs es1371, etc. Driver. ok, kids... it's the missing files everyone had on their OEM PC, and can't find now. it's for the (ensoniq?) es1371 soundblaster audioPCI card, and probably some others.

NOTE this is NOT the complete driver set... just the files that the driver install asks you for, and are never there. if it prompts you for Ac3api.dll or A3d.dll or ctpci9x.cat or ctpci9x.drv or ctpci9x.vxd or CTPCIHLP.dll or Ctpcir16.dll or Eapci2m.ecw or Ensqio.vxd or SbaPci9x.inf then yer in luck. unzip these files to the same place you extracted your drivers to, and you'll have the whole thing, ready for the next time. sorry for writing a novel, here...


File Contents:
No file content information available at this time.

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