14 Mar 2025


Best Data Products ACE 5000 Soundcard - Modem Audio Driver

Company: Best Data Products
Model: ACE 5000 Soundcard - Modem
Operating System: Windows 95 & DOS (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: Mwave1.zip


Best Data Products ACE 5000 Soundcard - Modem Driver. This driver is for Windows 3.1, 95, and DOS. The Best Data Ace is based on an IBM Mwave chip. If this software doesn't find your card, try removing any other ISA and PCI cards from the system. This software version provides modem speeds up to 14.4kbps. (Best Data wants cash for the 28.8kbps software)
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 54 10-07-97 14:42 CHKLIST.MS 33084 11-28-94 10:00 CONFIG.EXE 55 06-07-93 16:46 CONFIG.SYS 65680 04-06-94 09:03 DIAGS.EXE 17 09-28-95 10:43 DISK.1 763 09-28-95 10:43 INSTALL.CMP 122 10-07-97 15:00 MWAVE.CFG 3638 10-04-95 07:40 README.TXT 2415 08-11-95 13:35 SCRNLOGO.BM$ 287232 05-02-94 16:49 SETUP.EXE 63993 08-24-95 10:48 SETUP.INS 419 06-01-95 16:05 SETUP.LGO 8517 07-11-95 14:33 SETUP.MSG 12512 04-06-94 09:06 START.EXE 14 08-25-95 13:50 VERSION.TXT 27372 08-11-95 13:35 ~INS0762.LIB 0 01-12-99 07:47 FAX17/ 0 01-12-99 07:47 MANAGER/ 0 01-12-99 07:47 MIDI32/ 0 01-12-99 07:47 MODEM/ 123698 08-25-95 14:26 FAX17/DIR.LIB 65675 08-11-95 13:35 FAX17/DLL.LIB 39533 08-11-95 13:36 MANAGER/CARD.LIB 3292 08-11-95 13:36 MANAGER/CARD_DSP.LIB 94453 08-11-95 13:35 MANAGER/DIR.LIB 162857 08-11-95 13:36 MANAGER/DLL.LIB 80348 08-11-95 13:36 MANAGER/DSP.LIB 1401 08-11-95 13:36 MANAGER/WORLDTRD.LIB 29804 08-11-95 13:36 MIDI32/DIR.LIB 16995 08-11-95 13:36 MIDI32/WIN.LIB 304416 08-25-95 14:31 MODEM/DIR.LIB -------- ------- 1428359 31 files

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