14 Mar 2025


Hewlett Packard (HP) para brio Audio Driver

Company: Hewlett Packard (HP)
Model: para brio
Operating System: Windows NT (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: AztecAud.zip


Hewlett Packard (HP) para brio Driver. es la tarjeta de sonido de la brio hp
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 27180 03-24-97 04:16 MDM35EU.INF 42496 08-03-97 04:19 AZTCUI.DLL 58128 10-14-96 01:38 CFGMGR32.DLL 5 08-03-97 04:19 DISK1 5 08-03-97 04:19 DISK2 34795 03-24-97 04:16 MDM33EU.INF 34795 03-24-97 04:16 MDM33JP.INF 34835 03-24-97 04:16 MDM33US.INF 27155 03-24-97 04:16 MDM35AU.INF 7353 08-22-97 12:03 AZHWCTL.DAT 27155 03-24-97 04:16 MDM35US.INF 18158 08-03-97 04:19 MIDIMAP.CFG 266240 08-03-97 04:19 MIX.EXE 89088 08-09-96 01:30 MSCOMSTF.DLL 20480 08-09-96 01:30 MSDETSTF.DLL 69632 08-09-96 01:30 MSINSSTF.DLL 23552 08-09-96 01:30 MSSHLSTF.DLL 49152 08-09-96 01:30 MSUILSTF.DLL 74752 10-14-96 01:38 MSVCIRT.DLL 267536 10-14-96 01:38 MSVCRT.DLL 65024 10-14-96 01:38 MSVCRT40.DLL 717 08-21-97 11:40 PNPID.DAT 2919 08-22-97 11:58 README.TXT 37376 08-03-97 04:19 SETUP.EXE 2248 08-22-97 12:05 SETUP.INF 286480 10-14-96 01:38 SETUPAPI.DLL 99328 08-03-97 04:19 SNDGLXY.DLL 85600 08-03-97 04:19 SNDGLXY.SYS -------- ------- 1752184 28 files

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