29 Mar 2025


Creative Labs SB Live! Audio Driver

Company: Creative Labs
Model: SB Live!
Operating System: Not Specified (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: win95drv.zip


Creative Labs SB Live! Driver. OK, driver WORKS, BUT it is ONLY the driver... It will make sound come out of your speakers but you do not get ANY of the cooler stuff like 4 speaker suport or other cool stuff, Creative Labs sux cuz it wont let you get the drivers from them, The full 40 megs of files can be D/L from


But hey, this will get you some sound in the interum

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 2090170 11-16-96 01:01 2GMGSMT.SF2 56832 06-29-98 08:02 A3D.DLL 3584 03-19-98 01:00 AHQCPRES.DLL 18432 03-19-98 01:00 AUDIOHQ.CPL 11328 07-03-97 01:44 AWEMAN.DLL 35328 07-03-97 01:44 AWEMAN32.DLL 7168 06-24-98 04:05 CIFMAN.CRL 9728 06-24-98 04:05 CIFMAN.DLL 6131 07-02-98 04:05 CIFMAN.VXD 18512 07-28-98 04:14 CSPMAN.DLL 2634 07-15-98 01:08 CTMISC.INF 16944 08-24-98 01:01 CTMM16.DRV 287358 08-28-98 01:00 CTSYN.VXD 13600 08-28-98 01:00 CTSYN16.DRV 8048 08-24-98 01:01 CTWT16.DRV 28160 09-30-98 20:12 DCRES32.DLL 2259067 02-25-98 01:00 DEFAULT.ECW 257024 08-31-98 01:00 DEVCON32.DLL 18293 10-06-98 14:31 EMU10K1.INF 219197 09-01-98 01:01 EMU10K1.VXD 356352 08-31-98 01:00 SBLFX.DLL 22567 08-17-98 01:00 SFMAN.VXD 99328 08-17-98 02:00 SFMAN32.DLL 27136 07-09-98 01:21 UPDDRV95.EXE 501 04-24-98 16:04 UPDDRV95.INF -------- ------- 5873422 25 files

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