29 Mar 2025


Creative Labs CT 2260 Audio Driver

Company: Creative Labs
Model: CT 2260
Operating System: DOS (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: sbbasic.exe


Creative Labs CT 2260 Driver. This was found at

www.europe.creative.com/techknow/tech/ftp/ftp-sb 15 awe.asp.

It is for DOS and W3.1. and is installed in SB16 directory under DOS,

after selfextracting sbbasic.exe in this directory. Works in W3.11 also.

There are also W9x drivers there but

I haven't tried them. You need to

install this file first. The card I

used was not PCI but 16bit (older card) - I don't think there is a PCI

version so don't need CTCM manager

mentioned in README.txt file.

It worked fine on an old Pentium 90mHz, 16mb RAM W3.11. IT'S EASY!

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 2042 02-23-94 02:20 README.COM 166916 10-15-96 05:08 INSTALL.EXE 94 12-16-97 01:00 DISK.ID 264842 12-16-97 01:01 AWEDRV.PVL 69419 10-14-96 01:00 CSP.PVL 10742 04-07-97 01:00 CT3DSE.PVL 65845 12-16-97 01:01 DRIVER.PVL 106502 12-16-97 01:01 INSTALL.PVL 251267 12-16-97 01:01 PROGRAM.PVL 11834 04-07-97 01:00 SB16DRV.PVL 85879 12-16-97 01:01 WINAPPL.PVL 185812 12-16-97 01:01 WINDRV.PVL 733 12-16-97 01:00 HISTORY.TXT 3262 10-22-96 01:00 README.TXT 17664 12-10-97 10:32 LICENSE.TXT 374 12-26-97 16:36 FILE_ID.DIZ -------- ------- 1243227 16 files

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