14 Mar 2025


ExpertColor Multimedia mb931/med3931 Audio Driver

Company: ExpertColor Multimedia
Model: mb931/med3931
Operating System: Windows 95 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: win95.zip


ExpertColor Multimedia mb931/med3931 Driver.  
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 828 10-04-96 09:44 MIX931.INI 276270 01-24-96 13:19 _INST16.EX_ 8192 09-07-95 19:22 _ISDEL.EXE 10752 09-26-95 00:33 _SETUP.DLL 22566 07-23-96 11:55 _SETUP.LIB 36 10-08-96 10:30 EEPROM.BAT 16201 07-26-96 19:08 OPTISROM.EXE 378 10-08-96 10:26 931MB.BIN 259 01-16-96 14:23 README.TXT 186308 10-03-96 17:01 CONFIG.Z 22 10-08-96 18:02 DISK.VER 3 05-01-95 11:01 DISK1.ID 8843 10-03-96 11:30 INSTALL.DAT 3522 08-25-96 14:52 CONFIG.TXT 406 10-04-96 09:43 MIXER.CFG 11647 01-16-96 14:29 Readme1.txt 13824 07-18-96 10:52 RM931DRV.EXE 47616 01-22-96 04:59 SETUP.EXE 52 07-23-96 10:34 SETUP.INI 8899 10-03-96 15:11 SETUP.INS 530 08-21-96 21:16 SETUP.PKG 61968 08-29-96 16:13 SND931P.DRV 9501 09-24-96 11:45 SND931P.INF 35018 08-29-96 16:13 SND931P.VXD 9136 08-29-96 16:13 SNDM401P.DRV 13416 08-29-96 16:13 SNDM401P.VXD 18576 08-29-96 16:13 SNDOPL3P.DRV 1052 10-08-96 09:33 SOUND16.CFG 152145 09-16-96 14:37 TOOLS.Z 511 08-14-96 09:46 UNISTALL.Z 62 08-25-96 15:34 VOLUME.CFG 58752 08-15-96 12:07 WINAPP.Z 73250 09-12-96 18:22 WINDRV.Z -------- ------- 1050541 33 files

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