28 Feb 2025


OPTi 82C924 Audio Driver

Company: OPTi
Model: 82C924
Operating System: Windows 95 & Windows 98 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: opti924.zip


OPTi 82C924 Driver. These drivers are taken from the WIN95b CD drivers\audio\bocasrs folder. Drivers install as "Sound Expresion SRS Sound System". If you install this driver all works fine except the IDE interface on the sound card. You will need your WIN95/98 CD for the joystick and com port drivers.

One point to note. Always try the folder where you have extracted the files to when asked for the WIN95 CD before trying the WIN95 CD!

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 737 08-24-96 11:11 cdrom.cfg 7085 08-24-96 11:11 config.txt 2216 08-24-96 11:11 disk1 11595 08-24-96 11:11 install.com 10940 08-24-96 11:11 install.dat 4700 08-24-96 11:11 license.txt 9478 08-24-96 11:11 logo.bmp 28787 08-24-96 11:11 mdmvv2.inf 16751 08-24-96 11:11 opticu.exe 313 08-24-96 11:11 readme.txt 16016 08-24-96 11:11 s24m401p.vxd 42496 08-24-96 11:11 snd924p.drv 31882 08-24-96 11:11 snd924p.vxd 17384 08-24-96 11:11 sndm401p.drv 26604 08-24-96 11:11 sndopl3p.drv 1067 08-24-96 11:11 sound16.cfg 5727 08-24-96 11:11 svgpsrs.inf 21979 08-24-96 11:11 wdlboca1.inf -------- ------- 255757 18 files

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