14 Mar 2025


Diamond Technologies, Inc. DT-0196h Audio Driver

Company: Diamond Technologies, Inc.
Model: DT-0196h
Operating System: Not Specified (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: dtsndw9x.zip


Diamond Technologies, Inc. DT-0196h Driver. When extracting this file extract to a blank floppy disk and you should be fine. Go to the control panel then double click system and under the device manager make sure all references to the sound card are removed. Reboot your computer and let windows find your sound card. When windows 9X asks for the driver insert the disk and you are done. This disk also contains the audio rack for the sound card. I had to actually go to a company that sold this generic sound card to get the driver. The cost of the card is $11.99, for all the trouble it was you could buy a new card for $22.99 that is recognized around the world and you will always be able to download/update the driver
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 16814 04-09-96 02:20 DTMIDI.DRV 8192 04-09-96 02:20 _ISDEL.EXE 10752 04-09-96 02:20 _SETUP.DLL 28217 04-09-96 02:20 _SETUP.LIB 1829 07-09-96 09:26 CDSETUP.SYS 43450 07-08-96 23:10 DOSINST.EXE 15106 07-30-96 15:27 DT386.Z 237408 07-08-96 17:50 DTCONFIG.EXE 34155 07-30-96 16:34 DTINIT.EXE 276270 04-09-96 02:20 _INST16.EX_ 13040 07-09-96 13:14 DTMPU401.DRV 10907 07-08-96 16:46 DTMPU401.VXD 20736 07-09-96 13:15 DTOPL.DRV 9865 07-08-96 16:52 DTOPL.VXD 0 05-01-96 17:15 DTSETUP.ERR 51456 07-09-96 13:15 DTSNDSYS.DRV 17143 07-30-96 13:23 DTSNDSYS.VXD 5002 08-22-96 11:11 DTSOUND.INF 926 07-09-96 14:45 DTSOUND.INI 3714 04-09-96 02:20 FMTEST.MID 18158 07-09-96 10:33 MIDIMAP.CFG 7744 04-09-96 02:20 MSJSTICK.DRV 12688 04-09-96 02:20 MSMIXMGR.DLL 296640 08-22-96 12:04 RACK.EXE 12862 07-09-96 12:54 README.TXT 47616 04-09-96 02:20 SETUP.EXE 54 07-09-96 09:32 SETUP.INI 60628 08-22-96 11:45 SETUP.INS 378 07-09-96 09:23 SETUP.PKG 45092 04-09-96 02:20 STEST16.WAV 27804 04-09-96 02:20 STEST8.WAV 20590 04-09-96 02:20 VJOYD.VXD -------- ------- 1355236 32 files

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