29 Mar 2025


Creative Labs CT 2260 Audio Driver

Company: Creative Labs
Model: CT 2260
Operating System: Windows 95a (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: ct2260.zip


Creative Labs CT 2260 Driver. This ZIP contains 2 disks installation & accessories. Unzip to c , it'll make a folder called 'ct2260'. copy each disc to a floppy. someone complained about the zip so i relied on a user for the disc breakdown. this is the regular drivers. it should work on DOS, Win 3.1 and up. it was packaged with the AST Advantage! 6060P system. the AST drivers are zipped in 'ct2260-AST'. i have not tried these yet so i leave it to you. enjoy!
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 0 10-17-02 23:59 ct2260/Disc 2 - Accessories/ 41451 03-10-94 01:00 ct2260/Disc 2 - Accessories/CSP.PVL 165627 06-29-94 01:00 ct2260/Disc 2 - Accessories/CTWAVE.PVL 23155 06-21-94 01:00 ct2260/Disc 2 - Accessories/QCD.PVL 147537 03-03-94 01:00 ct2260/Disc 2 - Accessories/SAMPLES1.PVL 622775 03-09-94 01:00 ct2260/Disc 2 - Accessories/SAMPLES2.PVL 51 06-30-94 01:00 ct2260/Disc 2 - Accessories/DISK.ID 151 10-17-02 21:55 ct2260/Disc 2 - Accessories/ct2260.txt 0 10-17-02 23:59 ct2260/Disc 1 - Installation/ 151 10-17-02 21:55 ct2260/Disc 1 - Installation/ct2260.txt 70853 08-11-94 01:00 ct2260/Disc 1 - Installation/DRIVER.PVL 6826 08-18-94 01:00 ct2260/Disc 1 - Installation/CQA.TXT 51 06-30-94 01:00 ct2260/Disc 1 - Installation/DISK.ID 2042 05-04-93 02:20 ct2260/Disc 1 - Installation/CQA.COM 3819 08-12-94 01:00 ct2260/Disc 1 - Installation/FILELIST.PVL 160700 08-12-94 05:01 ct2260/Disc 1 - Installation/INSTALL.EXE 56204 08-12-94 01:00 ct2260/Disc 1 - Installation/INSTALL.PVL 224373 08-10-94 01:00 ct2260/Disc 1 - Installation/PROGRAM.PVL 169 03-15-01 10:46 ct2260/Disc 1 - Installation/Readme 2042 02-23-94 02:20 ct2260/Disc 1 - Installation/README.COM 1612 06-08-94 01:00 ct2260/Disc 1 - Installation/README.TXT 116605 08-17-94 01:00 ct2260/Disc 1 - Installation/WINAPPL.PVL 142746 08-18-94 01:00 ct2260/Disc 1 - Installation/WINDRV.PVL 0 10-17-02 23:58 ct2260/ -------- ------- 1788940 24 files

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