14 Mar 2025


Turtle Beach Systems Montego ll A3D Audio Driver

Company: Turtle Beach Systems
Model: Montego ll A3D
Operating System: Windows 98 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: 46m2_9x1.zip


Turtle Beach Systems Montego ll A3D Driver.  
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 20622 01-27-00 11:04 Au30init.vxd 11274 09-14-99 21:28 A3D.vxd 290816 09-15-99 13:37 a3dapi.dll 537644 04-27-99 17:40 A3dsplh.wav 550082 04-27-99 17:40 A3dspls.wav 1146880 09-14-99 21:30 A3DSplsh.exe 147728 01-21-99 21:22 Asycfilt.dll 5786 01-27-00 11:10 Au30appy.vxd 49331 01-27-00 11:04 Au30aud.vxd 6373 03-10-00 15:25 au30comm.cat 57747 03-08-00 13:18 au30comm.inf 686256 01-27-00 11:04 Au30core.vxd 98304 09-14-99 16:15 AU30Cpl.cpl 393216 09-14-99 16:11 AU30CPl.exe 8628 12-06-99 16:50 Au30cpl1.gid 7059 08-07-98 19:15 Au30cpl1.hlp 8628 12-06-99 16:49 Au30cpl2.gid 8173 08-17-98 11:49 Au30cpl2.hlp 8628 12-06-99 16:49 Au30cpl3.gid 6991 08-07-98 20:42 Au30cpl3.hlp 8628 12-06-99 16:49 Au30cpl4.gid 6233 08-07-98 20:43 Au30cpl4.hlp 8628 12-06-99 16:49 Au30cpl5.gid 8628 12-06-99 16:49 Au30cpl6.GID 8628 12-06-99 16:49 Au30cpl7.GID 61440 09-14-99 16:10 Au30DAL.dll 38249 01-27-00 11:09 Au30dos.com 5188936 07-21-98 12:02 au30gm.arl 241664 09-14-99 16:15 AU30HwEq.exe 8628 12-06-99 16:49 Au30hweq.gid 5644 02-09-99 18:38 Au30hweq.hlp 159744 09-14-99 21:28 a3d.dll 9362 01-27-00 11:04 Au30joys.vxd 98304 02-03-00 16:33 AU30Loc.dll 8576 01-27-00 11:06 au30midi.drv 24214 01-27-00 11:06 Au30midi.vxd 7808 01-27-00 11:10 AU30Mix.drv 116399 01-27-00 11:10 Au30mix.vxd 21717 03-10-00 15:25 au30mmed.cat 62275 10-09-00 19:29 AU30MMED.INF 10665 03-10-00 15:25 au30mult.cat 10770 03-15-00 15:32 Au30mult.inf 6258 03-10-00 15:26 au30port.cat 3046 02-11-00 12:11 Au30port.inf 23750 01-27-00 11:04 Au30port.vxd 89278 01-27-00 11:05 Au30sbfm.vxd 49152 09-14-99 16:16 Au30Sdk.exe 237568 09-14-99 16:13 AU30Setp.exe 8882 01-27-00 11:05 Au30setp.vxd 2576 01-27-00 11:10 Au30thru.dll 167936 09-14-99 16:13 AU30Tray.exe 9088 01-27-00 11:06 au30wave.drv 131099 03-07-00 12:21 AU30WAVE.VXD 7088 01-27-00 11:09 au30wt.drv 178353 01-27-00 11:09 Au30wt.vxd 9357 01-27-00 11:04 Cmmon.vxd 45056 09-14-99 18:03 EqDriver.dll 2944 03-12-00 19:32 files.txt 50176 09-28-98 12:10 LevelInd.dll 271632 05-07-99 14:02 Msvcrt.dll 32528 05-07-99 14:02 Olepro32.dll 176446 10-19-98 18:01 out1lq.wav 176446 10-19-98 18:02 out1rq.wav 176446 10-15-98 16:33 out2lq.wav 176446 10-15-98 16:33 out2rq.wav 88322 10-15-98 16:33 outls.wav 88322 10-15-98 16:33 outrs.wav 20536 01-27-00 16:42 readme.txt 37136 07-09-98 22:49 Regsvr32.exe 340768 09-14-99 00:20 ssa3d30.ocx 16896 03-16-99 22:34 Stdole2.tlb 100 01-27-00 11:15 Version.txt 1507 12-07-00 13:27 readme1.txt -------- ---- 12790444 73 files

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