14 Mar 2025


HSP CMI8738/PCI-SX Audio Driver

Company: HSP
Model: CMI8738/PCI-SX
Operating System: Windows 2000 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: CMI8738_WDM_0639W2K.zip


HSP CMI8738/PCI-SX Driver. This is the driver for the audio chip HSP56 C3DX CMI 8738/ PCI-SX.

I have down loaded it from www.cmedia.com.tw/product/doc8738.htm

For other models of the CMI8738 and other operating systems you can go to this website.

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 712704 11-23-01 13:08 CMI8738_WDM_0639W2K/AUDIO3D.DLL 49559 07-24-02 23:40 CMI8738_WDM_0639W2K/CMAUDIO.CAT 20333 07-16-02 21:33 CMI8738_WDM_0639W2K/cmaudio.dat 64237 07-16-02 11:33 CMI8738_WDM_0639W2K/CMAUDIO.INF 20333 07-16-02 21:33 CMI8738_WDM_0639W2K/cmaudio.ini 379726 07-16-02 11:58 CMI8738_WDM_0639W2K/CMAUDIO.SYS 36924 07-16-02 22:47 CMI8738_WDM_0639W2K/cmijack.dat 32768 03-29-02 15:52 CMI8738_WDM_0639W2K/CMNPROP.DLL 135168 07-11-02 13:13 CMI8738_WDM_0639W2K/CMUNINST.DAT 139264 07-11-02 12:24 CMI8738_WDM_0639W2K/CMUNINST.EXE 765952 10-20-00 19:28 CMI8738_WDM_0639W2K/CRLDS3D.DLL 1581056 07-12-02 17:33 CMI8738_WDM_0639W2K/MIXER.EXE 1920 04-12-01 17:50 CMI8738_WDM_0639W2K/Readme.txt 1261568 08-21-02 19:16 CMI8738_WDM_0639W2K/Setup.exe 498 07-22-02 15:58 CMI8738_WDM_0639W2K/setup.ini -------- ---- 5202010 15 files

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