12 Mar 2025


Rockwell MF010 / RWA010 Audio Driver

Company: Rockwell
Model: MF010 / RWA010
Operating System: Windows 95 & Windows 98 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: rock1.zip


Rockwell MF010 / RWA010 Driver. I've been looking for this driver for ages, hope it helps. Just unzip it to the folder of your choice, delete all the Wave Artist devices from Device Manager and click on Refresh. Then just point to the unzipped driver location. It worked just fine for me...
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 4112 07-29-96 15:42 MSGLOOP.EXE 2300 09-10-96 08:08 CHORUS.MAL 2300 09-10-96 08:08 CLEAR32.MAL 27632 07-13-95 11:43 CTL3DV2.DLL 19865 05-09-97 05:20 EEPROG.EXE 2300 09-10-96 08:08 HALL.MAL 84 10-09-96 06:29 MARGE2.LST 2308 09-10-96 08:08 C2HALL2B.MAL 17952 07-10-95 04:50 MSOPL.DRV 16052 06-26-97 15:11 RWA95.INF 89424 06-19-97 03:58 RWA95DRV.DRV 53888 06-19-97 04:01 RWA95VXD.VXD 7360 06-02-97 09:42 RWACPL95.CPL 16265 12-05-96 09:02 RWADOS95.EXE 29833 06-19-97 06:39 RWAMIXER.EXE 12212 05-27-97 09:58 RWAPNP.SYS 30720 05-30-97 09:23 RWAUNIN.EXE 15973 12-05-96 09:03 RWAUTOEX.EXE 3504 06-19-97 03:59 RWAWSDRV.DRV 81256 06-19-97 06:28 SETWAPNP.EXE 643 07-07-97 16:26 SYMCFG.BIN 5175 07-23-96 22:45 VWSTREAM.VXD 5758 01-29-97 08:18 WA16A.TXT 9776 07-10-96 05:48 WSTREAM.DLL 5632 09-19-96 02:55 WSTREAM.LIB -------- ------- 462324 25 files

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