8 Sep 2024


Analog Devices SoundMAX Integrated Digital Audio Audio Driver

Company: Analog Devices
Model: SoundMAX Integrated Digital Audio
Operating System:   (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)


File: 1980-Se.zip


Analog Devices SoundMAX Integrated Digital Audio Driver.  
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 4448 09-10-02 20:11 SE/ADI_RMV.EXE 4816 04-01-02 14:15 SE/AEAUDIO.sys 720896 09-19-01 15:32 SE/a3d.dll 45056 12-26-01 12:26 SE/inst16.exe 381200 10-03-01 15:14 SE/migrate.dll 3744 10-28-02 12:26 SE/smsens.sys 534976 12-05-02 17:39 SE/smwdm.sys 32862 12-06-02 12:04 SE/smwdmCH2.inf 30480 09-06-02 10:38 SE/smwdmCH4.inf 32785 12-06-02 12:04 SE/smwdmSIS.inf 10093 12-11-02 17:00 SE/smx.cat -------- ---- 1801356 11 files

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